Professionals Layout Professionals Layout – Gateway To Access

Professionals Layout

Never let a language barrier stand between you and your goals

45 languages • Availability according to your schedule • Easy to set up and use

Far too often, language barriers make it challenging or even impossible for businesspeople, healthcare providers, lawyers, and other professionals to serve their clients and do their job to the best of their abilities.

Language barriers can also present serious legal hurdles. Federal civil rights law includes a number of stringent language access requirements, and failing to provide interpreters for patients or clients with limited English proficiency could put your organization at risk of costly discrimination lawsuits or federal investigation. 

VRI Gateway provides a way through those language barriers, ensuring that a language difference never gets in the way of your success or your legal obligation to provide quality language assistance in your organization.

Professionals Layout

Connect with a high quality interpreter in minutes

Just download the VRI Gateway app to any computer, tablet, smart phone* or other mobile device running Windows or MacOS operating systems to access interpreters on-the-go, wherever and whenever you need them.

Work with subject matter experts

Whether you work in healthcare, law, automotive, manufacturing, or hospitality, you’ll be able to find an interpreter who knows how to accurately convey your knowledge and expertise using VRI Gateway’s industry-specific search filters.

Professionals Layout
Professionals Layout

Less waiting, more communication

VRI Gateway’s software is designed with ease-of-use at the forefront of every decision, ensuring that the process of finding an interpreter is as quick and painless as possible. The same holds true for scheduling — interpreters are available on-demand for several high-volume languages, and others are available on a pre-scheduled basis according to your schedule. 

When you sign on to use VRI Gateway as a business, healthcare provider, or other organization, you gain:

  • Instant access to a global network of hundreds of highly qualified interpreters
  • 44 spoken languages and American Sign Language
  • On-demand availability for high volume languages
  • Pre-scheduled availability for less commonly-spoken languages
  • A dedicated electronic form library for your organization
  • Live call monitoring for your management team
  • Call recording (for non-medical encounters)
  • Screen sharing
  • Streamlined billing based on minutes used
  • Electronic payment options

* Be advised that the use of tablets or other handheld devices to provide language assistance to Deaf or hard-of-hearing individuals in healthcare, legal, and other settings is subject to a number of federal regulations. Failure to adhere to these regulations could put your organization at risk of costly discrimination lawsuits or federal investigation. See our whitepaper on federal VRI requirements, written by nationally recognized federal compliance expert Bruce L. Adelson, Esq., for further information. *